

Financial technology

In Financial Technology: What’s Coming for 2024

Discover the trends and challenges on the horizon of financial technology for 2024. ILP Abogados guides you through key innovations and critical legal aspects for entrepreneurs, digital entrepreneurs, and startups.


Financial technology (fintech) continues to revolutionize the business world, offering disruptive solutions that change the way we interact with money. In this article, we will explore the trends and challenges expected for the year 2024, providing essential insights for those immersed in the digital business world.

Trends for 2024:

  • Mass adoption of cryptocurrencies:

    • Expansion of government regulation.

The expansion of governmental regulation in the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies is a crucial topic in the current financial landscape and a significant trend expected to continue in 2024. As cryptocurrencies gain popularity and become more integrated into the global economy, governments worldwide are increasing their efforts to regulate this emerging market. Here are some key points on how this regulatory expansion is unfolding:

  • Clear Legal Framework: Governments are working to establish a clear and coherent legal framework around cryptocurrencies. This includes clear definitions of how cryptocurrencies are classified (as assets, currencies, or financial products) and what regulations apply to their use and trading.
  • Consumer Protection: One of the main concerns of regulators is consumer protection. Measures are being implemented to ensure that cryptocurrency users are protected against fraud, market manipulation, and other illicit practices. This may include requirements for cryptocurrency exchange platforms to meet certain security and transparency standards.
  • Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing: Governments are taking steps to prevent the use of cryptocurrencies in illicit activities, such as money laundering and terrorism financing. This may involve implementing compliance requirements, such as verifying the identity of users and reporting suspicious transactions.
  • Taxation and Fiscal Compliance: Regulatory expansion also encompasses tax issues. Governments are working to develop clear tax policies around cryptocurrencies, including how transactions and digital assets are taxed. This may involve introducing specific taxes on cryptocurrencies and obligations to report gains from trading.
  • Encouraging Innovation and Competition: While regulation aims to protect consumers and prevent misuse of cryptocurrencies, there is also recognition of the importance of fostering innovation and competition in this space. Regulators are working to strike a balance between market protection and promoting technological development, which may involve creating flexible regulatory environments that allow for innovation while maintaining certain standards of security and compliance.

In summary, the expansion of governmental regulation in the widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies is a complex process that spans a variety of areas, from consumer protection to the prevention of money laundering and the promotion of innovation. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, we are likely to see increased involvement from regulators in this space, with the aim of ensuring that cryptocurrencies are safely and effectively integrated into the global economy.

    • Integration of blockchain-based payment systems.
    • Increased adoption by businesses and consumers.
  • Development of artificial intelligence (AI) in finance:
    • Automation of financial processes.
    • Improved personalization in banking services.
    • More accurate and efficient risk management.
  • Growth of peer-to-peer (P2P) lending:
    • Diversification of P2P platforms.
    • Evolving regulation to ensure user safety.
    • Increased competition with traditional financial institutions.

Legal Challenges:

  • Cryptocurrency regulation:

  • Jurisdictional Issues: Cryptocurrencies operate in a decentralized manner, transcending traditional geographical boundaries. This poses challenges for regulators, as they must determine which jurisdiction’s laws apply to various aspects of cryptocurrency transactions, including trading, taxation, and consumer protection. Without clear international cooperation and alignment, regulatory efforts may face difficulties in effectively overseeing cryptocurrency activities.
  • Regulatory Gaps and Ambiguities: The rapid evolution of cryptocurrencies often outpaces the development of regulatory frameworks, leading to gaps and ambiguities in the law. Regulators struggle to keep pace with emerging technologies and innovative use cases, leaving room for regulatory arbitrage and potential exploitation by bad actors. Closing these gaps requires proactive measures from policymakers to adapt regulations to the evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies.
  • Compliance Challenges for Businesses: Cryptocurrency-related businesses, such as exchanges and wallet providers, face significant compliance challenges due to the complex regulatory environment. They must navigate a patchwork of regulations across different jurisdictions, each with its own requirements for licensing, anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) procedures, data protection, and cybersecurity. Achieving compliance can be resource-intensive and may deter new entrants from entering the market, stifling innovation.
  • Security and Consumer Protection Concerns: Cryptocurrencies are susceptible to security breaches and fraud, posing risks to consumers and investors. Regulatory efforts to enhance security standards and consumer protection measures are necessary to mitigate these risks. However, striking a balance between safeguarding users and fostering innovation without stifling the industry’s growth remains a challenge for regulators.
  • Regulating Decentralized Finance (DeFi): The rise of decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms presents unique regulatory challenges due to their decentralized and permissionless nature. Regulators must grapple with how to apply existing financial regulations to DeFi protocols, such as lending, borrowing, and decentralized exchanges, which operate outside traditional financial intermediaries. Addressing regulatory concerns related to investor protection, market integrity, and systemic risks in DeFi requires innovative regulatory approaches tailored to these novel financial structures.
  • Global Coordination and Standardization: Achieving global coordination and standardization in cryptocurrency regulation is paramount to address cross-border challenges effectively. However, differing regulatory approaches and priorities among countries hinder efforts to establish consistent international standards. Harmonizing regulations and fostering cooperation among regulatory authorities worldwide are essential to combat illicit activities, promote market integrity, and facilitate the legitimate use of cryptocurrencies on a global scale.

In conclusion, navigating the complex legal landscape of cryptocurrency regulation requires a nuanced understanding of the unique challenges posed by decentralized digital assets. Addressing jurisdictional issues, regulatory gaps, compliance burdens, security concerns, and the emergence of decentralized financial systems necessitates collaborative efforts among policymakers, regulators, industry participants, and other stakeholders to foster responsible innovation and ensure the long-term viability of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

  • Privacy and ethics in AI:

  • Data Privacy: Data privacy is fundamental in the development and use of AI. AI systems often require large amounts of data to train and improve their performance. Ensuring the privacy of this data is crucial to protect users’ personal and sensitive information. Practices such as anonymization, encryption, and consent management are essential to preserving the privacy of data used in AI applications.
  • Transparency and Explainability: Transparency and explainability are key ethical aspects in the design of AI systems. Users should be able to understand how an AI system works and why it makes certain decisions. Algorithmic opacity can lead to distrust and undermine public confidence in AI. It is essential for AI developers to implement mechanisms to explain the reasoning behind the system’s decisions and provide transparency on how data is used.
  • Fairness and Bias: Equity and bias mitigation are important ethical concerns in AI. AI algorithms can be inherently biased if trained on datasets that reflect social or cultural prejudices. This can lead to discriminatory or unfair decisions, especially in critical applications such as hiring, credit assessment, or criminal justice. It is crucial for developers to identify and address biases in data and algorithms to ensure that AI systems are fair and do not perpetuate social injustices.
  • Responsibility and Accountability: Responsibility and accountability are fundamental ethical principles in the development and deployment of AI. Developers and users of AI systems must take responsibility for the decisions and actions of the systems they create or use. This involves establishing mechanisms to monitor and evaluate the performance of AI, as well as addressing any negative impact or unintended consequences. Additionally, it is important to establish legal frameworks and regulations that clearly define legal responsibilities in the use of AI and establish procedures for accountability in case of issues.
  • Human Rights and Dignity: AI should be used in a way that respects and protects human rights and dignity. This involves ensuring that AI systems do not infringe on fundamental rights, such as privacy, freedom of expression, non-discrimination, and personal security. Designers and users of AI must carefully consider the potential impact of systems on human rights and take steps to mitigate any risk of abuse or violation of rights.

In summary, privacy and ethics are crucial considerations in the development and application of artificial intelligence. It is essential for developers, users, and regulators of AI to work together to ensure that AI systems are designed and used ethically, respecting principles of privacy, transparency, fairness, responsibility, and respect for human rights. This is essential to promote public trust in AI and maximize its potential benefits for society.

  • Security in P2P transactions:
    • Prevention of fraud and cyberattacks.
    • Establishment of security standards for P2P platforms.
    • Dispute resolution and legal protection for users.

Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Platforms:

  • Diversification of P2P platforms:

    • Growth of platforms specializing in different types of loans (personal, commercial, real estate, etc.).
    • Emergence of P2P platforms focused on specific niches, such as student loans or micro-enterprises.
    • Expansion of P2P platforms internationally, facilitating cross-border financing.
  • Evolutionary regulation to ensure user safety:

    • Adaptation of existing financial regulations to address the peculiarities of P2P transactions.
    • Implementation of measures to protect lenders and investors, such as disclosure requirements and risk assessment.
    • Supervision of lending and collection practices to prevent abuse and fraud.
  • Increased competition with traditional financial institutions:

    • Rising rivalry between P2P platforms and traditional banks to attract customers.
    • Development of strategic partnerships between P2P platforms and established financial entities.
    • Enhancement of financial service offerings by banks in response to competition from P2P platforms.


At ILP Abogados, we understand the legal complexity that accompanies technological innovation in the financial sector. It’s not just about anticipating trends but also safely navigating within the constantly evolving regulatory framework. Hire our specialized services to ensure the success and legal protection of your digital business. Remember, law is not a commodity; it’s essential to have experience and specialized knowledge to guarantee effective advice in such a dynamic environment as financial technology.

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